FARMVILLE, a hugely popular game on Facebook, is harmless addictive fun.
But in Taiwan, the addiction is of the dangerous kind.
Taiwan police discovered that drug dealers had been using the game to contact their customers and establish new networks.
The dealers are using secret codes in the game for their transactions.
The codes are related to the game plays which indicate the drug amount, types and transaction locations.
AKU | Ramai yang akan condemn aku pasal letak artikel ni dalam blog aku. Tapi kalau terbukti salah, memang brilliant otak si pengedar ni dalam mengaplikasi permainan yang diminati ramai rakan FB aku. Respect pada barisan polis Taiwan yang mesra FB hingga dapat breaking the codes. Harap-harap Mafia Wars tidak disalahguna oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menerobos 1Malaysia....No to ganyang, yes to kenyang.
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