The is no obligation, the war will be ended when all the arab-palestine territory falls to the Israeli. From my point of view, with the interference from outsiders(White House still silent about this matter....good for them, otherwise another kasut terbang akan hinggap:lol:), I have to disagree with such report saying that force is never the solution. How on earth will the ceasefire can satisfy both parties? the war had taken place for so long....selain itu, peperangan yang telah mewarnai sejarah dunia dan peradaban manusia di kebanyakan negara. Chris Hedges – seorang jurnalis The New York Times berkata, “It (war) can gives us purpose, meaning, and reason for living.”
Both Israel and Palestinians have to demonstrate more effectively that they want to live in peace and do not want to kill, maim, expel from their land. It is for them to deliberate and decide if this should come under One State of Two State solution.
The world should help them reach this decision but should not refrain to remind Israel that it should curb its policies of occupation, subjugation, ethnic cleansing, and terrorising.
We should encourage initiatives that will let all Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace, with dignity, justice and guaranteed fundamental human rights in secure borders, as enshrined in the various UN resolutions.
To remove misgivings, doubts and suspicions, international bodies including the UN, the European Union, OIC should be enlisted to provide guarantees. Peace in the region is not to be equated with death for the state of Israel. - Peace With Dignity: Another Gift For Israel
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