Then I was think of the security....the guard should have been reacted after the first shot..but then there was no reaction until the 2nd shot. Sepanjang pengalaman aku menonton cerita wayang org putih, pengawal/peawai/perisik/agen khas negara A bukan main punya hebat lagi dan mereka siap boleh memerhatikan setiap gerak geri dan juga latar belakang tetamu yg hadir dalam satu-satu majis. Ternyata ianya hanya satu pro pa ganda yang sengaja diadadakan bagi menunjukkan kehabatan mereka.
Latest about the story, BBC reported "A Turkish shoe firm says it has had to take on 100 extra staff to cope with a surge in orders after an Iraqi threw shoes at US President Bush." Ternyata disebalik perbuatan itu, ada pihak yang mendapat rezeki yang mencurah-curah and I really hope that GWB atau yang sewaktu dengannya got the message from that incident....it was not about how quick you dodge the shoe, it's about why you got hit by shoe...."The shoe was called Model 271 but has been renamed Bush shoe, the firm said"
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